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When Baby Is Allowed Sleeping on His stomach

Sleeping on his stomach is considered soothing. Even for certain ages, this kind of sleeping position can be dangerous. There are many risks of health problems that might occur if the baby is left on his stomach before his time. So, when can babies sleep on their stomach and what needs attention? The most vulnerable age range for sleeping on his stomach is when the baby is only 1-4 months old. Infants sleeping on their stomach at the age of 1-4 months can increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).

Risk of Disturbing Respiration

From several studies, the rate of sudden death infant syndrome is proven to be higher in babies sleeping on their stomach. One theory states that babies who are sleeping on their stomach will put pressure on the jaw, thus narrowing the respiratory tract. Another theory says, babies in the syndrome breathe back in the air they have released. This makes the oxygen level in the baby's body drop, while carbon dioxide increases. Eventually, the baby's body becomes lack of oxygen and triggers the syndrome of sudden infant death. However, babies are not always prone to sleep prone dangerous. As age develops, the baby's ability to control his body will also increase. Around the age of five months, the baby will begin to roll toward the front or back. At this age, it is not impossible for the baby to change his own sleeping position into a stomach.

Right Position

The risk of SIDS is still considered high, until the baby is 12 months old. For this reason, it is advisable to keep the baby in a supine sleeping position until the age of one year. Be sure to keep your mouth and nose unobstructed by objects that can cover his face. Some parents worry that babies sleeping on their backs may choke or swallow vomit that should be expelled. However, the American children's health organization stressed that there was no apparent increase in these risks in infants who slept on their backs. What if the baby sleeps on his side? It is also not recommended by experts, because there is still a risk that the baby will move during sleep. When the baby sleeps on his back, there is a possibility that hair growth on the back of the head becomes stunted, until it looks bald. However, not to worry, this condition can be overcome by occasionally changing the baby's sleeping position under supervision, or with tummy time, which is playing in the prone position.

Safe Tips to Put Your Baby to Sleep

How to put the baby to sleep properly can help prevent sudden infant death syndrome. Things that need to be considered in putting the baby to sleep, include:
  • Make sure your baby's mattress is not too soft and use the right sheets. Never put your baby to sleep on a water bed, pillow, sofa, chair or other soft surface.
  • Do not put extra pillows, blankets or dolls, and do not use bumpers or linings on the edges of baby cribs.
  • Wear clothes that are comfortable and not excessive for the baby. Adjust the temperature of the baby's sleeping room, so it is not too warm and not too cold.
  • Avoid babies from cigarette smoke or other smoke.
  • Strive to breastfeed your baby. Scientific evidence shows that the risk of sudden infant death syndrome can decrease by giving milk to babies. The alleged reason is because breast milk protects the baby from infection which increases the risk of SIDS.
  • Give a baby pacifier or pacifier after one month of age, to help him sleep. Baby pacifiers are thought to reduce the risk of SIDS. However, if the baby refuses, don't force it.
  • Infants with gastric acid disorders or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) may be better off on their stomach. Consult with your pediatrician for the best sleep position.
Putting the baby to sleep in a safe position and condition is very important. It is better to stay alert when the baby is sleeping on his stomach, pay attention to the environment around the baby's crib. Get rid of excessive objects or accessories that can be dangerous for the baby, so as to avoid the risk of causing breathing problems in your baby.


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