Wisdom tooth growth often causes problems. However, don't be in a hurry. Find out what conditions really need wisdom teeth surgery.
Called wisdom teeth because these teeth are the last to appear. Wisdom tooth growth generally occurs at the age of 17-25 years. When wisdom teeth grow, it can cause discomfort for some people. If the position of the tooth that grows is not perfect, there is a possibility that dental surgery will be needed.
Recognizing Risky Conditions
Wisdom teeth are often also referred to as third molars. If the tooth grows normally and is uninterrupted, wisdom teeth are not necessary. In this condition, wisdom teeth can be cleaned and not interfere with other dental hygiene.
The problem that often occurs is the impact of teeth, where wisdom teeth do not get enough space to grow. This can then cause problems, because the teeth cannot grow normally. Wisdom tooth position that is not normal include growing forward or backward tilt, transverse position, or only come out half.
Some effects that indicate dental surgery must be performed immediately is if wisdom teeth trigger pain, infection, or gum pain and damage the surrounding teeth or bones. In addition, the condition of wisdom teeth that must also be addressed immediately, if it causes trapped food scraps and difficult to clean, because it can be the beginning of infection, or if cysts (fluid-filled pockets) form in areas where wisdom teeth should be grown.
However, wisdom teeth surgery should also be postponed if the gums are swollen, an infection, fever, or unbearable pain. Generally, dentists will first give antibiotics, or special measures to prevent more severe and spread conditions.
The dentist will also give pain relievers to ease pain and antibacterial mouthwash before further action on wisdom teeth can be done.
Wisdom Tooth Removal
Wisdom teeth surgery depends on the conditions. The procedure can be performed by a dentist or also recommended to an oral surgeon.
Prior to wisdom teeth surgery, patients will be given local anesthesia or anesthesia until the area around the tooth feels immune. The duration of wisdom teeth surgery varies, ranging from 20 minutes or can be longer.
To extract wisdom teeth, the doctor will wiggle the teeth front and back to expand the gum room. The patient will still feel pressure around the wisdom teeth, but do not feel pain because of the influence of anesthetic drugs.
In certain cases, before the wisdom teeth are removed, additional measures will be taken in the form of breaking teeth into smaller or gum incisions, so that wisdom teeth are easier to remove.
Tips to Minimize Discomfort
After wisdom teeth surgery is complete, there will generally be swelling and discomfort around the mouth that lasts for about 3-14 days.
To alleviate pain, pain medication can be used, both paracetamol and medications prescribed by doctors. If it looks swollen or bruised, you can use an ice pack or do special handling according to doctor's instructions.
It is recommended to rest at least one day after wisdom teeth surgery. Avoid strenuous activities for one week. It is important to keep the blood clots that cover the surgical wound from being separated.
To remember, the first 24 hours after wisdom teeth surgery should only consume soft textured food and water, do not brush your teeth, do not drink using a straw, also do not use mouthwash. Don't smoke for a minimum of 3 days after surgery. If you need to remove stitches after wisdom teeth surgery, return to the doctor according to the schedule.
Although it sounds scary, wisdom teeth surgery is not as scary as imagined. Consult a dentist, if there is a possibility you have to live it.
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